Saturday, November 5, 2016

For such a time as this...

In the Book of Esther we see a woman rising to a position of influence and power from humble beginnings, we see faithfulness, hardship, desperation, disaster, miraculous rescue, and most significantly, the HAND of GOD. Although HE is never mentioned by name in the entire book. Esther an orphan raised by her uncle, Mordecai, finds herself living a life I’m sure she never imagined she could live.

For Such a Time as This…

Ladies-there are so many details about Esther’s story that intrigues me and I can stay in this book for days on end highlighting them all.  The one scripture that stands out to me the most and the one I often pray over myself and others, “For such a time as this…?” Esther 4:14b These words cause me to pause and consider: where I am, how I arrived there, what is the purpose, and how will God use me. I believe these words caused Esther to also pause and consider God’s sovereign hand in her story and how He raised her up to her position of prominence and placed her in the palace for His purpose to be fulfilled.

Have you ever considered God’s sovereign hand in your story? Have you ever asked God, “Why are you at that school, in that city, that community, with that staff, working that job?”

I’ve always had an acute awareness of God’s Hand in my life.  When I worked in property management, traveling the country for job assignments I knew every destination was where God wanted me to be for His purpose. When I sold real estate I believed every client was sent by God and I would often use my time driving them around town from house to house sharing about Him. Also, as a coaching family I’ve always been quite aware of God’s hand in every move we’ve made as well. 
Ladies-by knowing the sovereign hand of God, we can each have confidence that wherever He has placed us, we have been raised up by Him for His purpose to be fulfilled for such a time as this.

Father thank you for opening our eyes to seeing Your hand in our lives.  Father you created each one of us to fulfill a purpose for You.  Thank you that my sisters recognize their purpose and use their positions for Your Glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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