Monday, August 22, 2016

An Omniscient Solution

An Omniscient Solution

Genesis 3:15- "From now on, you and the woman will be enemies, and your offspring and her offspring will be enemies. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heal."

Many theologians believe this was the first prophecy of Christ. They believe "you will strike his heal" is God referring to Christ's death as payment for the penalty of sin and the "crushed head" is the prophecy of Christ's resurrection from the grave claiming for us the victory over sin, death and satan.

Ladies-Our Omniscient Father announced His redemption plan to satan and to Eve right there in the garden from the beginning. Eve may have been the first woman to experience guilt and shame as a result of disobedience and doubt but our Father quickly comforted and reassured her that He would make her mistake work for everyone's good. Sisters, God is in the restoration business and this is the first revelation of His grace and mercy. Ironically, the redemption and reconciliation we all need as a result of sin comes from the offspring of the same person who had sinned, Eve.

God always takes our mess and use it for His glory!

We serve an amazing God! And, I'm so grateful to Him for sending His son to restore us back to Him. Have you been redeemed? If you haven't please send me a private message or email me at

Father, thank You for having a plan to fix our mess! I pray for my sister who needs to know that You make it all work together for good. I pray this truth about Your grace sets her free! Father, thank You for sending Your Son and setting Your redemption plan in motion from the very beginning. There is none like You, in Jesus' name I pray, amen!

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