Tuesday, March 14, 2017

If God says do it. Just obey.

“Go to the city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come before me.” However, Jonah got up to flee to Tarshish from the Lord’s presence. Jonah 1:2-3

Out of all 12 prophets God called, Jonah was the only one who rejected his call and foolishly tried to run away from God.  He put himself in danger, he caused his shipmates to lose their cargo and almost caused them their lives. 
Have you tried to avoid a place you know God has called you to as a coaching family?  Are you rebelling and refusing to move because the city isn’t your most desirable location? Have you decided to stay in your current city letting your coach go on alone?

When we try to avoid the path God has set before us, our individual decisions effect those around us and the entire community.  

Ladies, there was a time when I only wanted my coach to apply for jobs in cities where all of the criteria on my checklist were met.  I would go down the list: good schools, diverse demographics, churches, grocery stores, big box stores, malls, parks, coffee shops, things for kids to do, restaurants, recreation, and close proximity to a metro area, etc.  I was only interested in going where I would be comfortable. When the city didn’t hit all of the marks, I didn’t want to go. I wasn’t thinking about God’s purpose for our lives and I wasn’t yielding to His plans for us.  

God challenged me in this area. He asked me, “If I only allowed My people to stay in places where they felt most comfortable, how will others ever see Me?” Hearing these words from God changed me. I no longer considered my checklist and I now pray for God to send us to places where we can be salt and light for Him.

Jonah’s story teaches us to live a surrendered life to God’s purpose and plans.  To Jonah’s surprise, when he finally went to Nineveh and preached to the people, they believed God’s message. They humbled themselves with fasting and sackcloth.  Even the king of Nineveh participated and ordered the whole city to do the same. When God saw their repentance he relented and did not destroy them.  

Ladies, never underestimate how God wants to use your family. He can use you to bring a message of hope to a wicked city like Nineveh. I believe the places God decides we should go are never really about us, instead, it is about the people there and how God wants us to serve them. I pray we all accept that we are called to be God’s servants. I pray we are willing vessels ready for any assignment. 

When we fail to serve God in our works, I believe we are to blame for the conditions in our communities. Don't run from the Nineveh assignments, run to them carrying your light!

“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.” Luke 11:33

Father, thank You for the Nineveh assignments You have for us.  Thank You for using us to be salt and light in this world.  Father, I pray we let our light shine so men can see You.  In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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