Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Has my Arm lost its power

Has My Arm lost its Power?

You were whining, and the Lord heard you when you cried, "Oh for some meat, we were better off in Egypt!" Numbers 11:18
But Moses responded to the Lord, "There are 600,000 foot soldiers here with me, and yet You say, "I will give them meat for a whole month! Even if we butchered all our flocks and herds, would that satisfy them? Even if we caught all the fish in the sea, would that be enough? Numbers 11: 21-22
Then the Lord said to Moses. "Has My Arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not My word comes true!" Numbers 11: 23

Ladies-I love this question, "Has My Arm lost its Power!" 

Have you experienced times when your circumstances seemed impossible or too hard for God?

I believe when God wants to teach us about His ways He uses hard circumstances for some of our best lessons. In the verses above God used the Israelites circumstances and complaining to teach Moses to trust Him even more. 

As coaches' wives having this kind of trust shows up in our lives in so many different ways. I encourage you to resolve never to forget that God doesn't do miracles, it's natural for Him to provide for us no matter the size of our need.

By now, I hope you guys know I don't mind being transparent with y'all. So let's talk. The biggest reason my coach and I didn't want to take that job at the school we tried to avoid was because his salary shrunk A LOT. We had to downsize. We moved into a small townhouse, BUT God's Arm was in our situation:
Our townhouse was well below our budget and it had an attic that gave us a lot of space for storage,
we lived off manna and quail provided by God,
our oldest was able to go to private school
and All of our bills were paid!

I hear you asking, "Did it ever cross her mind to complain?" "Yes, it did" and "Yes I wanted to go back," but I learned to give Him HIGH PRAISE!!! I now know He was only teaching me to trust Him more.

The journey we are following with the Israelites reminds me so much of my own story. 
I hope my honesty helps someone else who may be in a wilderness place and you want to go back to what you thought was a better circumstance. Let me encourage you to give Him High Praise!!! Let Israels complaining be an example to you that this isn't the best attitude to have in the difficult circumstances. 

Lastly, these folks forgot that they were slaves in Egypt. What may seem hard right now is always a set up for something better. Keep trusting in Him.

Father thank You for my sisters and their coaching journeys. Lord, we give You High Praise because we know your Arm isn't too short and You are only teaching us to trust You. Thank You for the wilderness places that You allow us to experience on this journey. In Jesus name we pray Amen

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