Friday, September 30, 2016

Deborah Judges for the Lord

Deborah Judges for the Lord

Deborah, a Prophetess, the Wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time when the Israelites were lead by judges. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites came to her to have their disputes decided. She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kadesh in Naphtali and said to him, “The Lord the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor. I will lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.” Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” “Very well,” Deborah said. I will go with you. But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a WOMAN.” Judges 4:4-9a

Ladies-The book of Judges introduces Deborah as a Prophetess, a Wife, and a Judge. No other woman in the Bible is described by such titles.

Deborah had a Calling (Prophetess)-only a handful of women in the Old Testament were called to this lofty position. Deborah discerned and declared the mind of God to His people. She ministered as a mediator between God and His people. And, she poured out His wisdom, knowledge, and instruction when the people came to her for help.

Deborah is a Wife-Deborah’s training ground for her leadership began in her home where she served as a wife. We can assume that Deborah followed God’s Word and followed His guidelines for how to serve her husband. I believe she understood her role and function as a wife. I also believe she knew why God created woman and gave her to man.  I'm convinced she was aware of what God told Adam in the beginning, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18

Deborah is a Leader-Deborah not only served in her home, but also as one of God’s judges over His people. Her wise leadership extended beyond her home, “the palm tree of Deborah” was her marketplace influence and ministry platform.

Deborah is a Woman of Faith and a Warrior- Although others wavered including the warrior Barak- Deborah’s faith in God’s sure victory over His enemies did not flounder, even when the odds were greatly against Israel. She went into battle with Barak and she knew God would give them the victory!

Deborah Sang!-(Judges 5) Inspired by God and speaking from a heart of gratitude, Deborah sang! She praised God for His triumphant victory over their enemy.

Wow!!! What a remarkable woman!

Ladies-We are remarkable women too! God has gifted each one of us. He has given us great favor and His face shines upon us. (Numbers 6:25) In my last post, "What do you want your servants to do?" I spoke about our great influence. Have you spent time with God asking Him how you can serve? We are called by Him to lofty positions, just like Deborah.

Everything I’m sharing with you in this community relates in some way to my own personal walk with God. My heart attitude and commitment to Him is what inspired me to start this group. It is one of the ways I get to walk out my calling.

I believe the title we all share, “Coach’s Wife”, gives us an extraordinary platform.

Now as I consider the day in and day out battles we have to endure in this role, I think it makes us phenomenal women. We have to possess mental toughness and even physical energy to run our homes. We have to wear “Teflon Coated Armor”and be warriors just like Deborah-confident that God goes before us on the battlefields of stadiums as we sit listening to badgering fans, or even when we read newspapers, and watch the evening news that sometimes speak horrible commentary against our spouses’.

I don’t know about you, but I need to walk as close to God as I can just to endure my days. I need Him to show me how to live out my calling, be a great wife, leader and mother to my children. I need His word because it is profitable to me. I imagine Deborah realized she needed Him too and it is why He chose to use her in such an extraordinary way.

Father, thank You for Deborah’s example to us. We too are called by You, we are wives, we are mothers, we are market place leaders and we are community leaders. Father, I know You are guiding us, we surrender the influence and noteriety we have to You, in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What do you want your servants to do?

What do you want your servants to do?

When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand, Joshua went up to him and demanded, “Are you a friend or foe?” “Neither one,” he replied. “I am the commander of the Lord’s army.” At this Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence. “I am at your command,” Joshua said. “What do you want your servant to do?” 
Joshua 5:13-14

Ladies-A few post back God told me to tell you to ask Him, “Why He had you to marry a coach.” Did you ask Him? Here is another question He wants you to ask Him, “What do you want your servant to do?”

Joshua is commanded by the Lord to go into a land God has given to his descendants and take it back from the enemy. When I first introduced you to Joshua I shared his first assignment from God. (Exodus 17:9-16) Joshua had to go on the battlefield and fight the enemy Amalek with men he chose. When I read this account of Joshua I thought of our husband’s getting assigned to new coaching jobs in new areas.

Jericho to me is a picture of a campus and your coaching family has been assigned by God to change the environment. Wow, talk about paradigm shift! Do you see how this changes the game? Our victories on campuses are no longer in the score on the scoreboard. Our victories are found in the lives we influence for Christ. I shared Mrs. Bell’s perspective about this coaching life: “Christian coaches have the best opportunity in our world to win another generation to Christ.” I believe, “Christian coaching families have the best opportunity in our world to win another generation to Christ.” Why, we are the face of family to another generation. We have kids playing for our husband’s that never see a husband and a wife interact nor do they see children interacting with their father’s. Our presence at practice fields and games give hope to another generation. We give kids a different outlook on life. This is the power of our influence.

Let’s go a step further. When I recognized this power, I asked God for the strategy to go into battle with my coach. Here is what I heard Him tell me to do, it is very similar to the strategy God gave Joshua for winning Jericho:
*Recognize the Angel of the Lord’s army is with you (our key verse Joshua 5:13-14)
* Walk around your campus and pray to God ask Him how you can labor in this new vineyard. (Joshua 6:2)
* Sing praises and create an atmosphere of worship at the field house, locker room, stadium, practice fields, offices, gym, baseball field, track, etc. (Joshua 6:5)
*Pray over lockers, equipment, shoes, chairs, towels, water bottles, etc. Pray that the person who uses these things will feel God´s love for them.
*Pray for unsaved staff members, school administrators, janitors, teachers, fans, everyone who comes into contact with your campus
*Serve the team through love: give them treats, goody bags, food...go a step further put a Bible verse on the labels to encourage their hearts.
*Constantly pray and ask God what other strategies He wants you to use
*And, Stay in communication with the Holy Spirit, keep in step with Him

Ladies-God wants you to come from "Behind the Bench." He wants to equip you to come to the front lines and go into battle with your coach.

Father, thank You for this paradigm shift. I pray we ask You-how You want us to win the next generation. I hope we see the power You have given us. Thank You for listening ears, those who recognize their call. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Be Strong and Courageous

Be Strong and Courageous

This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Ladies-I had the opportunity to speak at a Girls Basketball Camp one summer and when I received our camp packets I began to mediate on this verse.  I asked God why He was commanding us to remember to be strong and courageous throughout this year. I don’t recall getting a direct answer from Him however, I have heard so many stories from team members who are being tested in their faith in many areas of their lives. I know coaches’ wives who have loss family members.  I know a coach who was in a terrible car wreck with his daughter and has gone through countless surgeries to repair his mangled body.  Others on our staff and others in the sports world have received life threatening medical diagnoses and some rushed to the hospital with unexpected medical emergencies. 

We never know when life is going to throw us a curve, I just hope we always remember who has gone before every curve and He knows what is around the corner. 

Joshua has been Moses’ ¨assistant coach¨ for 40 years.  He was there for the exit from Egypt. He saw God’s power and he knew God was faithful even when they were faced with great challenges.  God affirms the words “be strong and courageous” 3 times to Joshua as He gives him the instructions for how to lead the next generation. (Joshua 1:6, 7, 9).  We can learn so much about God’s nature and character as we look at these instructions to Joshua.  God is saying the same thing to us today.  He is ultimately commanding us to trust Him, too.   

Whatever comes this year I pray you will be reminded by these words to be strong and courageous knowing God will see you through.

Father, thank you for your faithfulness.  You are so dependable and You are concerned about every area of our lives.  Father, I pray my sisters stand on Your word no matter the circumstance.  Lord give them peace and give them signs that You are with them through it all.  In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Prepared for Battle

Prepared for Battle

Our word for today comes from the book of Exodus. 

 Before we can talk about the book of Joshua I think it is important that you know who Joshua is and where we first meet him in the Bible.

Moses commanded Joshua, “Choose some men to go out and fight the army of Amalek for us. Tomorrow, I will stand at the top of the hill, holding the staff of God in my hand.” So Joshua did what Moses had commanded and fought the army of Amalek. As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. Exodus 17: 8b-11
As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle. After the victory, the Lord instructed Moses, “Write this down on a scroll as a permanent reminder, and read it aloud to Joshua: I will erase the memory of Amalek from under the heaven.” Exodus 17: 13-14

Joshua is a young man only a few years pass 20 years old and he has just been told by the leader to choose some men, go into the battlefield, fight the enemy Amalek and God is going to give you the victory. (This sounds to me like a new head coach putting his staff together)

In our college coaching circles every year it seems the head coaches get younger. If you follow college athletics at all then you probably have noticed a change in leadership among coaches who’ve been at certain jobs or conferences for many years. The youngest coach today is 34 years old according to

Wow, 34 he isn’t much older than Joshua. Ladies-I’m not sure what this means for our sports world but I know God is speaking to us.

As we turn the page on Moses’ life and examine what leadership looks like with another generation let’s pause and think about all that Moses has taught Joshua and how God has prepared Joshua for his new leadership role. Let’s go back to our key verses:
1. Joshua was tested by God through obedience (will you listen to the leader)
2. Joshua was promoted to a leader and commanded to go into battle by God
3. Joshua was encouraged by Moses and assured by Moses that God would be with him
4. Joshua was told to remember everything that happened and how God gave him the victory
5. Moses recorded the victories for Joshua so he wouldn’t forget what God did

What can we learn from this leadership training as coaches’ wives preparing the next generation? Candace and I were talking this morning and I encouraged her to keep a journal for her kids. I’m keeping one too. I like to think of these journals as "Coaches’ Kids Battlefield Playbooks". They are meant to help them remember all of the victories God is giving them personally as they grow in their faith in Him. We will give these journals to our kids when they assume their leadership roles.

By the way, when I first became a coach’s wife I wished someone had reached out to me and handed me the “Coaches’ Wives One on One Playbook.”

Ladies-we are raising the next generation of coaches’ and coaches’ wives. God is depending on us to prepare them for battle. Let’s make sure they are ready to lead.

Father, thank you for getting our attention in this area helping us to realize we are preparing the next generation to take a stand in the sports world for You. Thank You for helping my sisters see that they have an opportunity to change our world through their children. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Has my Arm lost its power

Has My Arm lost its Power?

You were whining, and the Lord heard you when you cried, "Oh for some meat, we were better off in Egypt!" Numbers 11:18
But Moses responded to the Lord, "There are 600,000 foot soldiers here with me, and yet You say, "I will give them meat for a whole month! Even if we butchered all our flocks and herds, would that satisfy them? Even if we caught all the fish in the sea, would that be enough? Numbers 11: 21-22
Then the Lord said to Moses. "Has My Arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not My word comes true!" Numbers 11: 23

Ladies-I love this question, "Has My Arm lost its Power!" 

Have you experienced times when your circumstances seemed impossible or too hard for God?

I believe when God wants to teach us about His ways He uses hard circumstances for some of our best lessons. In the verses above God used the Israelites circumstances and complaining to teach Moses to trust Him even more. 

As coaches' wives having this kind of trust shows up in our lives in so many different ways. I encourage you to resolve never to forget that God doesn't do miracles, it's natural for Him to provide for us no matter the size of our need.

By now, I hope you guys know I don't mind being transparent with y'all. So let's talk. The biggest reason my coach and I didn't want to take that job at the school we tried to avoid was because his salary shrunk A LOT. We had to downsize. We moved into a small townhouse, BUT God's Arm was in our situation:
Our townhouse was well below our budget and it had an attic that gave us a lot of space for storage,
we lived off manna and quail provided by God,
our oldest was able to go to private school
and All of our bills were paid!

I hear you asking, "Did it ever cross her mind to complain?" "Yes, it did" and "Yes I wanted to go back," but I learned to give Him HIGH PRAISE!!! I now know He was only teaching me to trust Him more.

The journey we are following with the Israelites reminds me so much of my own story. 
I hope my honesty helps someone else who may be in a wilderness place and you want to go back to what you thought was a better circumstance. Let me encourage you to give Him High Praise!!! Let Israels complaining be an example to you that this isn't the best attitude to have in the difficult circumstances. 

Lastly, these folks forgot that they were slaves in Egypt. What may seem hard right now is always a set up for something better. Keep trusting in Him.

Father thank You for my sisters and their coaching journeys. Lord, we give You High Praise because we know your Arm isn't too short and You are only teaching us to trust You. Thank You for the wilderness places that You allow us to experience on this journey. In Jesus name we pray Amen

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

At the Lord's command set out

At the Lord's command set out

Numbers 9:17 Whenever the Cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the Cloud settled the Isaelites encamped.
Numbers 10:12a-13 Then the Israelites set out from the Desert (foot of the mountains) of Sinai and traveled from place to place until the Cloud came to rest...hey set out at the Lord's command through Moses.

Ladies-Let's do some quick bible cliff notes just to get us to this spot where God is commanding them to set out. Beginning from Exodus 19 the Israelites have been camped with God at the foot of Mt. Sinai. We learned through Exodus and on into Leviticus that God is making Himself know to His people. God has given them the instructions for living His way and now He is ready for them to break camp, head out into the world, claim His promises and fulfill His calling for their life. Our key verse shows us how to break camp...

¨Go where the Cloud leads you.¨

Let me tell you more of my story so that I may paint a picture for you how my family followed the Cloud. Our coach's staff was fired from a job back in 2011 and that was the most unusual move for us. My husband only had one job offer. It was the least likely place we thought we would go. We held off for months hoping another door would open, but no one called and there were no leads for any other places. Finally, I said to my coach, "this is God, He wants us to go to this place." Indeed, it was God. For the first time in my coach's career I actively got involved in FCA. After volunteering and helping with campus ministry I knew I was suppose to come on staff. All of this led to the Coach's Camp at St. Simon. which I have referred to in an earlier post as our ¨mountain¨ with the Lord.

I know in our sports world jobs can be fickle and moving is the norm. As I shared, we didn't understand why there was only one door. We eventually concluded that this place was where God wanted us to go. And just like the Israelites, when we broke camp we were led into the world to claim His promises, and fulfill His calling for our life.

I now tell people God ordained that move and it is where He called me to missions in sports. I'm glad we followed the Cloud. I pray you will follow the Cloud, too.

Father, thank you for teaching us how to break camp. I pray this has been good for us to hear. In Jesus Name, Amen

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Meeting at the Mountain

The Meeting at the Mountain

The Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting. He said, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them:" Leviticus 1:1

Ladies-St. Simon was my families' meeting place with God and it is where He called us.
Throughout my husband's career I was trying to find my place in his world beyond just supporting Him from behind the bench. When my coach and I met 16 years ago, I tried to run him off by telling him that I was called into ministry. I knew before I married him that I would give my life away to God to be used by Him. What I didn't know was how He was going to use me.

A calling isn't something I can tell you or anyone else for that matter. It is a revelation you get from God.

We have walked through several books in the Bible. Lets go back and examine some other calls from the Lord from those books:
Genesis 12:1 The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.

Genesis 26:24 That night the Lord appeared to him and said, "I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you." (Isaac meets God)

Genesis 28:13 There above it stood the Lord and He said, "I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. (Jacob meets God)

Exodus 3:4 When the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look, God called to him from the middle of the bush, "Moses! Moses!"

Now Ladies-When I met several of you this past summer at Coaches' Camp I challenged you to ask God, "why He had you to marry a coach." This is where you will discover your calling. 

 Go to the mountain with Him.

Last, the entire book of Leviticus is God giving Moses the instructions for His people. Once He gives you the call He gives you the instructions. If you read through this book you will find that God crosses all T's and dots all I's. He's very detailed in how He wants Moses to lead. He will be this way with you too, but your first order of business with Him is "the why" and then He will tell you "the what".

Father, thank You for meeting us on the Mountain. It is in this place You tell us who we are and what You want us to accomplish for You. Thank You for my sisters and their callings. Father, I know You will watch over them this weekend and bring them back to this place on Monday to continue this conversation with You. In Jesus Name, I pray Amen

God Called Moses

God Called Moses...He is also calling you.

The book of Leviticus opens with these words

"The Lord called to Moses..." Leviticus 1:1

During our first visit to FCA Coaches Camp on St. Simon's Island we had a speaker who greeted the room with very similar words. "Hello Pastors!" This was the first time in my husband's coaching career that anyone had referred to him as a Pastor. It was my first time hearing that I was a Pastor's wife. This statement changed the game for me and the rest of the week at Coaches' Camp everyone kept affirming this call!

As I think about Moses' call and the incredible task God entrusted to him, I'm sure his wife Zipporah had no idea what she was signing up for when her dad gave her to Moses in marriage.

Did you know all that you were signing up for as a coach's wife? I didn't. Since that week on St. Simon's Island God has opened my eyes to what it means to be married to a man He has called. I have spent many days with the Lord, in His word, learning how to be a Pastor's (Coach´s) wife.

Father, thank You for giving us men of valor, honor and notable greatness. May we draw closer to You so that we all can learn why you called us Pastor's Wives. In Jesus Name, Amen

How Long Do You Stay at the Mountain

How long do you stay at the Mountain?

Exodus 19:2b and Israel camped there in the desert in front of the mountain.

Ladies-I hope over the weekend you spent some time with the Lord asking Him about your calling. If He hasn’t given you any clarity or you don’t quite have the answer yet, don’t be alarmed. Let me remind you, I knew 16 years before marrying my coach that I would be used in some way by God. I’m still getting new insight and directions from Him every day. Some days I’m very confident in the mission and other days I feel like I’m in a fog. I think this is His way of keeping me dependent on Him, making sure I don’t get ahead of Him and to ensure that I walk daily with Him. I’ve concluded that you don’t really leave the mountain you hang out (camp) at this place with Him from this point forward.

When He calls, He draws you closer to Him. Let’s go back to the story of the Israelites and their draw to the mountain. Let’s see what they were learning about God and what He was teaching them. I want to highlight just a few points, but I also encourage you to read through the entire book of Exodus and Leviticus.

I am the Lord who Heals:
Genesis: 15:26b I will not bring on you any diseases I brought on the Egyptians for I am the Lord, who heals you.

I am the Lord who provides:
Genesis: 16:4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you.
Genesis: 16:11 At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.

I am the Lord who fights for You:
Exodus 17:14 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek (enemy) from under heaven.

I am the Lord who is with you and delivers you:
Exodus 20:2: I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt out of the land of slavery (bondage)

I am the Lord who is Holy:
Leviticus 19:2 The Lord said to Moses, Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them:
“Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.

I believe before we can walk out any call as a coach’s wife God will take us on a similar walk just like He did with the Israelites. He will  introduce Himself to us too. He will use your mountain time to impress upon you who He is and what He expects from you.

Father thank You for bringing these women to the mountain with You. Lord, you have used every detail about our story to bring us closer and closer to You. Thank You for choosing us. Father, I pray we are surrendered servants ready to be used by You. Lord, thank You for Your word, may we stay in this conversation with You. In Jesus name, amen